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Active & Passive Backplanes

Backplanes For 14-Slot Industrial Computer Chassis


TR-8155 PICMG 1.3 Graphics Class Backplane

2 x16 PCI Express Slot, 3 x8 PCI Express Slots and 7 x4 PCI Express Slots


TR-8093 PICMG 1.3 Server Class Backplane

6 x8 PCI Express Slot and 4 x4 PCI Express Slots


TR-7087 PICMG 1.3 Graphics Class Backplane

4 x16 PCI Express Slot and 6 x4 PCI Express Slots


TR-7041 PICMG 1.3 Server Class Backplane

10 x4 PCI Express Slots


TR-6615 PICMG 1.3 Graphics Class Backplane

1 x16 PCI Express Slot, 4 x4 PCI Express Slots and 6 PCI-X/PCI Slots


TR-6600 PICMG 1.3 Graphics Class Backplane

1 x16 and 1 x4/x1 PCI Express Slot, 1 PCI Express Expansion Slot, 6 PCI-X Slots and 4 32-bit/33MHz PCI Slots


TR-6544 PICMG 1.3 Graphics Class Backplane

1 x16 and 1 x4 PCI Express Slot, 1 PCI Express Expansion Slot, 5 PCI-X Slots, 2 PCI Slots and 2 ISA Slots


TR-6620 PICMG 1.3 Server Class Backplane

1 x8 and 1 x4 PCI Express Slot, 1 PCI Express Expansion Slot and 10 PCI-X/PCI Slots


TR-6610 PICMG 1.3 Server Class Backplane

2 x8 PCI Express Slots, 4 x4 PCI Express Slots and 6 PCI-X/PCI Slots


TR-BPX 3/8 PICMG 1.3 Server Class Backplane

2 x8 PCI Express Slots, 4 PCI-X Slots and 4 PCI Slots



14-slot (10 ISA, 4 PCI) Passive Backplane



14-slot (10 ISA, 4 PCI) Passive Backplane



14-slot ISA Passive Backplane



13-slot (9 ISA, 4 PCI) Passive Backplane



13-slot Dual PICMG Backplane


TR-3/2/4/4 PICMG 1.0 Graphics Class 64-bit Backplane

13-slot Passive Backplane (2xISA, 2x64-bit/66MHz PCI, 4x64-bit/33MHz PCI, 4x32-bit/33MHz PCI)


TR-1/1/2/4/4 PICMG 1.0 Graphics Class Backplane

7 64-bit/PCI-X/PCI Slots and 4 64-bit PCI Slots



14-slot (4 ISA, 10 PCI) Active Backplane



14-slot (2 ISA, 12 PCI) Active Backplane

Note: In addition to backplanes listed here, Transduction also has many special OEM designs readily available off the shelf. Please contact our Sales Department for details.

Backplanes for 10-Slot Chassis

Backplanes for 20-Slot Chassis

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